
A special book about special dogs, with brilliant pictures that partially were taken in the breeds country of origin. The author knows stunning and interesting things about the breeding and the use of Ridgebacks in Southafrica, today and back in the days. The well-known is being questioned and the current situation of the breed and its breeding in Germany is being illustrated. We are especially proud that not only grandpa Drago is the cover-boy for this book but also Lubayas mum is being mentioned. A unique book written by our breeder…even owners of other breeds are fascinated.



Chikadzi mother of all mothers

For many years now Wolfgang Blumberg lives in the Provence with his wife Christine and a pack of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. With a lot of passion they breed their Shangani Ridgebacks here. The history of the Shanganis…a must for every dog fan...this book can’t be missing in any bookshelf….Lubayas relatives are mentioned here as well.



“Dogs would life longer if…”-blackbook vet:

Vet Dr. Jutta Ziegler’s first book published in January 2011! Over 30 years now Dr. Ziegler works as homeopathy vet for small animals and while she cured countless cats dogs and other pets she always continued her education. To begin with she got the same education as any other vet but over the years Dr. Ziegler went through a metamorphosis and came from the typical vet image being exploited by pharmacy and food industry to an independent vet who rates the needs of her patients higher than the maximum profit. Alternative medicine or so called “soft” treatments combined with care and her expertise about the right diet for the pets enabled Dr. Ziegler over the last years to help a lot of animals that wouldn’t have made it in another practices. Her partly hard experiences are what she is sharing in the “blackbook vet” with everyone who probably can’t afford to come to her practice. This informative and enlightening book that will make you speechless can help a lot of animal owners to try and support their pets health themselves and not being made unsure by some alleged experts. About 8.2 million cats and 5.4 million digs live in German households these days. In Austria it’s about 500.000 dogs and 1.5 million cats. Nearly all these pets are made sick by useless immunizations. Lots of medicines and weird diet-food. This revealing book by vet Jutta Ziegler shows up the problems in our vet practices and their relation to the food industry and illustrates with concrete examples how NOT to treat and feed our cats and dogs. In this book any responsible pet owner will get help and advice about how to protect him and his pet from the corrupt and unscrupulous vets that care more about money that ethics meaning they would risk any pets health if it is an advantage for their own wallet. This book is a must for every responsible pet owner. “dogs would life longer if…” will be out in the BoD Verlag and can be ordered with the ISBN 978-384 232 46-02 from end of January 2011 in the bookstores.

"With “cats would buy mice” Hans-Ullrich Grimm made a brilliantly researched book about the petfood industry which makes us humans face a mirror which shows us how easily we let ourselves be tricked as long as our longing for harmony and peace is being satisfied.” Liane von Billerbeck, Deutschlandradio Kultur, 15.05.2007

Short description:
Satisfied a beautiful cat with shining fur purrs after it got its food- if you believe the ads the best is just good enough for our pets. But reality is different. With flavors, flavor enhancer, colors, preservatives and the whole collection of the artificialfood-wichkitchen a yummy menu for Waldi and Minka is created. And future has begun already: With biotechnology and high-tech bacteria and fungi get into the food bowl of our lovelies. The animals suffer. Cats and dogs get diabetes, cancer and heart diseases, pigs get digestion problems, between cows dangerous bacteria spreads that can infect humans too. They are not only found in the meet but in our drinking water already.